Badambura Recipe

Discover the joy of baking with our Badambura recipe – a delectable blend of almonds, walnuts, and flaky goodness. Elevate your culinary adventure now!



  • Cuisine: Azerbaijani
  • Category: Dessert, Snack
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 20
  • Calories: 150 calories

About Ingredients Instructions Video Servings Tips Substitutes

Badambura is a delightful pastry hailing from Azerbaijan, particularly cherished during the celebration of Novruz, the Azerbaijani New Year. This pastry, whose name translates to "almond plum" in Azerbaijani, is a delectable combination of finely ground almonds and walnuts encased in a buttery, flaky dough.

The preparation of badambura is a tradition that brings families together, and the aroma of these pastries baking in the oven is synonymous with festive occasions. The filling is a rich blend of ground almonds, walnuts, sugar, and melted butter, accented with a hint of vanilla extract for a delightful fragrance.

The dough, rolled out to a thin layer, envelops the nutty filling, forming crescent-shaped delights that are then fried until golden brown. The result is a pastry that boasts a satisfying crunch on the outside, giving way to a luscious, nutty interior. The marriage of textures and flavors makes badambura a sought-after treat, not only during Novruz but also as a beloved snack or dessert year-round.

Whether enjoyed with a cup of tea or presented as a gesture of hospitality, badambura reflects the rich culinary heritage of Azerbaijan, encapsulating the warmth and joy of shared moments around the table. Its significance extends beyond its delicious taste, embodying cultural traditions and the spirit of celebration in Azerbaijani households.


Indulge in the irresistible allure of Azerbaijani tradition with our exquisite Badambura recipe – a symphony of nuts and flaky pastry perfection! 🌰✨ #AzerbaijaniCuisine #BadamburaDelight


  • 1 cup ground almonds
  • 1 cup ground walnuts
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Method Instructions

  1. In a bowl, combine ground almonds, ground walnuts, sugar, melted butter, and vanilla extract. Mix well to create the filling.
  2. In a separate bowl, sift together flour and baking powder.
  3. Gradually add the flour mixture to the filling, alternating with the milk. Mix until you get a soft, pliable dough.
  4. On a floured surface, roll out the dough to about 1/8 inch thickness.
  5. Cut the dough into rounds using a round cookie cutter or a glass.
  6. Place a spoonful of the nut filling in the center of each round.
  7. Fold the dough over the filling, creating a half-moon shape. Seal the edges by pressing them with a fork.
  8. Heat vegetable oil in a pan for frying. Fry the badambura until they turn golden brown on both sides.
  9. Place the fried pastries on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.
  10. Allow them to cool before serving.

Enjoy your homemade badambura! It's a delightful treat with a perfect balance of nutty sweetness.

Recipe Video


This is a video about Badambura.

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Recipe Tags: Badambura, Badambura Recipe, Recipe


Serving badambura is a delightful experience that enhances its enjoyment. Here's how you can serve these Azerbaijani pastries:

  • Presentation: Arrange the badambura on a serving platter, showcasing their golden-brown exterior. A decorative platter or plate adds a touch of elegance.
  • Accompaniments: Badambura pairs wonderfully with a hot cup of tea or coffee. The warm, nutty flavors complement the beverages, making it an ideal pairing for a cozy afternoon treat.
  • Garnish: For a finishing touch, you can sprinkle powdered sugar over the badambura just before serving. This adds a hint of sweetness and a visually appealing touch.
  • Sharing Tradition: Badambura is often associated with communal celebrations, so consider serving them during festive occasions or family gatherings. Sharing these pastries enhances the sense of togetherness.
  • Temperature: Badambura can be served at room temperature or slightly warm. If reheating, do so in an oven or toaster oven to maintain their crispiness.
  • Storage: Store any leftover badambura in an airtight container to retain their freshness. They can be enjoyed for a day or two, but freshly made badambura are particularly delightful.


  1. Precision in Measurements: Given the importance of the dough's consistency, be precise with your measurements, especially when adding flour and milk. This ensures the right balance for a pliable yet not overly sticky dough.
  2. Quality of Nuts: Use high-quality almonds and walnuts for the filling. Fresh and flavorful nuts contribute significantly to the overall taste of badambura.
  3. Butter Temperature: Melt the butter for the filling but ensure it's not too hot when incorporating it into the mixture. You don't want it to cook or alter the texture of the other ingredients.
  4. Flour for Rolling: When rolling out the dough, lightly flour the surface to prevent sticking. However, avoid using too much flour, as it can affect the texture of the pastry.
  5. Sealing Edges: Press the edges of the badambura firmly with a fork to ensure a good seal. This prevents the filling from leaking during frying.
  6. Frying Temperature: Maintain a consistent oil temperature while frying. Too hot, and the badambura may brown too quickly on the outside while the inside remains undercooked. Too low, and they might absorb excess oil.
  7. Draining Excess Oil: After frying, place the badambura on a paper towel-lined plate to absorb any excess oil, ensuring a lighter and crisper pastry.
  8. Cooling Time: Allow the badambura to cool before serving. This helps the flavors to settle and allows the pastry to achieve its desired texture.
  9. Powdered Sugar Optional: While powdered sugar is a common garnish, it's entirely optional. Some prefer the natural sweetness of the nut filling without additional sugar.
  10. Experiment with Shapes: Feel free to experiment with different shapes for your badambura. While the traditional half-moon shape is classic, you can try other shapes for a creative twist.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you need to make substitutions for certain ingredients in the badambura recipe, here are some options:

  1. Almonds and Walnuts: If you have allergies or preferences, you can substitute almonds and walnuts with other nuts like pistachios, pecans, or hazelnuts. Ensure they are finely ground to maintain the desired texture.
  2. Butter: For a dairy-free option, you can substitute melted coconut oil or a plant-based butter alternative. This will impart a slightly different flavor, so consider your taste preferences.
  3. All-Purpose Flour: If you're looking for a gluten-free option, use a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend. Keep in mind that the texture may vary slightly.
  4. Milk: Substitute dairy milk with a non-dairy alternative like almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk for a lactose-free version.
  5. Vanilla Extract: If you don't have vanilla extract, you can use almond extract or skip it altogether. The nutty flavor of badambura is robust enough to stand on its own.
  6. Sugar: Adjust the sugar quantity based on your sweetness preference. You can also experiment with alternative sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, keeping in mind the impact on texture and flavor.
  7. Frying Oil: Use a neutral-flavored oil like vegetable or canola oil for frying. Ensure the oil has a high smoke point to prevent any off-flavors.


Savor the rich flavors and cultural warmth encapsulated in each bite of homemade Badambura. Embrace the joy of tradition in every delicious crescent. Happy baking! 🌰✨ #AzerbaijaniDelight

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