Jungkook Ramen Recipe

Discover the viral sensation: Jungkook's Bulguri ramen recipe! Spice up your mealtime with this flavorful fusion dish. Try it now!

Jungkook Ramen

    Jungkook Ramen

  • Cuisine: Korean
  • Category: Main Dish
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 1
  • Calories: 400 calories

About Ingredients Instructions Video Servings Tips Substitutes

Jungkook ramen refers to a viral Bulguri ramen recipe shared by Jungkook, a member of the popular K-pop group BTS. This ramen has taken the internet by storm, showcasing the multi-talented BTS star's prowess not only in music and dance but also in the culinary realm. This unique ramen recipe combines two popular instant noodle brands, Buldak's Spicy Chicken Ramen and Neoguri Ramyun, to create a flavorful fusion dish that fans around the world are eager to try.

What sets Jungkook's ramen apart is not just the combination of noodles, but also his inventive cooking method and personalized flavor enhancements. Cooking the noodles in a large pan rather than a pot allows for better control over the broth's flavor infusion, while mixing the Buldak liquid sauce with Neoguri's powdered seasoning creates a rich and complex base.

With the addition of dried vegetables, sesame seeds, and a drizzle of perilla oil, Jungkook elevates the humble instant ramen to a gourmet experience. Each bite is bursting with spicy, savory, and aromatic notes, showcasing the depth of flavors that Korean cuisine is known for.

Jungkook's Bulguri ramen recipe not only satisfies hunger but also sparks creativity in the kitchen, inspiring fans to experiment with their favorite instant noodle brands and add their own unique twists. As BTS continues to captivate audiences worldwide, Jungkook's culinary talents prove that there's truly nothing this multi-faceted artist can't do.


Dive into the flavorful world of Jungkook's Bulguri ramen recipe! Elevate your instant noodle game with this spicy, savory fusion dish. Let's get cooking!


  • 1 packet of Buldak’s Spicy Chicken Ramen
  • 1 packet of Neoguri Ramyun
  • 650 to 680ml of water
  • Dried vegetables (included in the ramen packets)
  • Buldak garnish (included in the ramen packet)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Perilla oil

Method Instructions

  1. In a large pan, combine 650 to 680ml of water with the liquid sauce from the Buldak ramen packet and half of the Neoguri powdered seasoning. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat.
  2. Once the broth is boiling, add the noodles from both the Buldak and Neoguri packets. Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packaging or until they reach your desired consistency. If you like chewier noodles, cook them slightly less than recommended.
  3. While the noodles are cooking, sprinkle in the dried vegetables and Buldak garnish from the ramen packets. Add a generous sprinkle of sesame seeds for extra texture and flavor. Drizzle in a bit of perilla oil to add a subtle yet distinctive taste to the broth.
  4. Once the noodles are cooked to perfection, give everything a good stir to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed. Taste the broth and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  5. Ladle the Bulguri ramen into bowls and serve hot. Garnish with additional sesame seeds or chopped green onions if desired. Pair it with your favorite side dishes or enjoy it on its own for a satisfying and flavorful meal.

Recipe Video

Jungkook Ramen

This is a video about Jungkook Ramen.

Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 75 reviews.

Recipe Tags: Jungkook Ramen, Jungkook Ramen Recipe, Recipe


To serve Jungkook's Bulguri ramen, follow these simple steps:

  • Prepare the Ramen: Cook the noodles according to the instructions in a large pan, following Jungkook's recipe by combining the Buldak liquid sauce with half of the Neoguri powdered seasoning in water.
  • Enhance the Flavor: Add the dried vegetables and Buldak garnish from the ramen packets, along with a sprinkle of sesame seeds for extra texture and flavor. Drizzle in a bit of perilla oil to add a distinctive taste to the broth.
  • Stir and Taste: Once the noodles are cooked to your desired consistency and the flavorings are added, give everything a good stir to ensure all the ingredients are well combined. Taste the broth and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  • Serve Hot: Ladle the Bulguri ramen into bowls and serve immediately while it's hot. Garnish with additional sesame seeds or chopped green onions if desired for an extra pop of color and flavor.
  • Pair with Sides: For a complete meal, consider pairing the ramen with traditional Korean side dishes like kimchi, pickled radishes, or even a simple cucumber salad to balance out the spiciness of the noodles.


  1. Experiment with Noodle Brands: While Jungkook used Buldak and Neoguri noodles, feel free to experiment with different brands and varieties to suit your taste preferences. You might discover new flavor combinations that you love.
  2. Adjust Seasoning to Taste: Don't hesitate to adjust the amount of seasoning and spice according to your preference. If you prefer a milder flavor, you can reduce the amount of Buldak sauce or Neoguri seasoning powder. Conversely, if you love heat, feel free to add more spice!
  3. Customize with Additional Ingredients: Get creative with your ramen by adding your favorite protein (such as sliced chicken, beef, or tofu), vegetables (like spinach, mushrooms, or bean sprouts), or garnishes (such as a soft-boiled egg or nori strips). These additions can elevate the dish and make it even more satisfying.
  4. Use High-Quality Ingredients: While instant ramen is convenient, using high-quality ingredients can significantly enhance the flavor of your dish. Look for ramen brands with natural ingredients and authentic flavors for the best results.
  5. Garnish with Fresh Herbs: Consider garnishing your Bulguri ramen with fresh herbs like cilantro, green onions, or Thai basil for a burst of freshness and color. These herbs can add depth to the dish and balance out the richness of the broth.
  6. Serve with a Side Dish: For a complete meal, pair your Bulguri ramen with traditional Korean side dishes like kimchi, pickled vegetables, or a simple salad. These accompaniments can complement the flavors of the ramen and provide a variety of textures and tastes.

Ingredient Substitutes

If you need to substitute any of the ingredients in Jungkook's Bulguri ramen recipe, here are some alternatives you can consider:

  1. Noodles: If you can't find Buldak or Neoguri noodles, you can use any other brand of instant noodles available at your local grocery store. Look for noodles with similar thickness and texture for the best results.
  2. Spicy Sauce: Instead of Buldak's Spicy Chicken Ramen, you can use any other spicy ramen variety or even make your own spicy sauce by combining chili paste or powder with soy sauce, garlic, and a touch of sugar.
  3. Seasoning Powder: If you don't have Neoguri Ramyun seasoning powder, you can use any other seafood-flavored seasoning or simply season the broth with soy sauce, fish sauce, or a dash of seafood stock.
  4. Dried Vegetables: Feel free to substitute the dried vegetables with fresh vegetables of your choice, such as sliced carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, or mushrooms. You can also use frozen mixed vegetables if that's more convenient.
  5. Buldak Garnish: If you don't have the Buldak garnish included in the ramen packet, you can skip it or substitute it with extra dried vegetables or sliced green onions for added flavor and texture.
  6. Perilla Oil: If you can't find perilla oil, you can substitute it with sesame oil or any other neutral-flavored vegetable oil. While perilla oil adds a distinct flavor, sesame oil will still impart a delicious nutty aroma to the broth.
  7. Sesame Seeds: If you don't have sesame seeds, you can omit them or substitute them with crushed peanuts or toasted sunflower seeds for a similar crunchy texture.


Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and impress your friends with Jungkook's Bulguri ramen recipe. It's a culinary adventure you won't want to miss!

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